Photography Training for Indian Army J&K- April 2024
With augmented zest and meticulous preparation, I reached Jammu. Little did I know about the challenges that would unfold. Holding down my curiosity read more ...
Stilllife Shoot- Behind the Scenes (BTS) Video - Shooting Macarons
Hi, Stilllife photography starts with ideation, prototyping, setting up, shooting, post production etc till the final output. Still life product shoots are read more ...
Product Shoot- Behind the Scenes (BTS) Video - Shooting a Security Camera
Hi, Product photography is sometimes really challenging, here is an example where lighting makes little challenging to achieve everything in perfection ( at one shot). We are showing, how we shot read more ...
Portrait Shoot - Behind The Scenes / BTS
This video we are shooting a portraiture for a client who needs a personal portrait picture for his social media DP / Profile Picture / Display Picture. For a portrait photography what kind of lighting read more ...
Before Buying a Camera ! ( 5 key things to consider)
For any photographer, the world of seeing through lens is an amazing experience. The camera makes you do that profoundly. Please watch this video if you are planning to buy any entry level DSLR / Mirrorless Camera read more ...
Everything about TRIPOD !
Basics about Tripod : An important accessory to depend for your camera stability. We are learning here the nuances of tripod, different types of tripod heads, its features, the material used, different feet of tripod etc. Read more ...
Macro Photography !
How can we take big closeup / macro images? In this episode, we are discussing the same. What is macro photography? How can you do macro with different methods, without investing big money. There are read more ...
How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) affect Photographers !
AI or Artificial Intelligence is an advancing technological aid to photography. In this episode, we are discussing the futuristic thoughts about how AI affects photography with respect to Camera gear, Photographer, and read more ...
5 Tips for Better Focusing in Photography
Focusing is an important aspect of photography. We must ensure that , the subject or the point of interest in the frame is in focus. To do that there are multiple techniques. We are sharing you 5 tips for better focusing read more ...
How we shot this image with a single cell torch ?
We have shot this image with nothing but a single torch light, as the light source.This method can be used when you don’t have sufficient light. Steps involved read more ...
Manual (M) Mode in DSLR Photography Explained
Every photographer would excitedly await the achievement of an important milestone in their journey with a camera i.e working independently on M mode or Manual mode. This is definitely an achievement read more ...
Shutter Speed and Tv / S Mode in DSLR Photography Explained
As a beginner in photography or as an amateur photographer, you are bound to hear the term “ shutter speed “ very often. In this episode , I am explaining shutter speed and how it works in your camera read more ...
Aperture and Av / A Mode in DSLR Photography Explained
What is Aperture? A common question , often asked by a photography beginner. In this episode, I would be providing an answer regarding aperture in photography. We are addressing read more ...
ISO and P Mode in DSLR / Exposure Compensation in P Mode
ISO is a common term you must have heard while using DSLR. In this episode I am explaining, what is ISO and how does it relate to P Mode / Program mode. In P mode, the ISO is set by read more ...
DSLR Camera Modes Explained
Hi, This is the beginning, The Basics. Have you ever wondered why there are many modes in the camera mode dial? In this episode, we are explaining to you, what each mode is intended read more ...
Behind the Scenes (BTS) Video - Aqua Gel Still-life
This is a still-life product shooting, Hope you will learn read more...
Worlds Most Viewed Photograph
Every Photograph has a destiny, and many a time, the destiny cannot be defined or predicted by the photographer. The image” Bliss ” is such an example. On a Friday afternoon, Charles O’Rear took this beautiful vineyard photograph at Sonoma, while he was travelling from Napa valley to San Fransisco. He named this image initially as "Bucolic Green Hills". Later this image read more...
Behind the Scenes (BTS) Video - Biscuits
Hello, This video is showcasing Behind The Scenes (BTS) of Biscuits advertising still life shooting.The Planning and execution goes hand... read more
#5/5 Process Step - Evaluation in Photography
Hello, The previous videos (please check below photography learning blogs) - Moodboard, Technicalities, Aesthetics & Shooting with right Attitude lead us to the 5 th process of shooting i.e Evaluation. Evaluation is essential , so as to find out and correct our mistakes... read more
#4/5 Process Step - Shooting with Right Attitude in Photography
Hi, The previous photography learning videos (please check below photography learning blogs) - 1. Moodboard, 2.Technicalities and 3. Aesthetics lead to the 4 th process of shooting i.e Shooting with Right Attitude. The attitude... readmore
#3/5 Process Step - Aesthetics in Photography
We learned technicalities in the previous blog videos. This video is about the aesthetics in photography. Since, photography is all about art & science, we need to... read more
# 2/5 Process Step - Technicalities in Photography
Hello Guys, By now, you are familiar with the first step - Mood board creation in photography (please check below photography learning blogs). Let us move forward, discussing the second... read more
# 1/5 Process Step - Pre Visualisation / Mood Board in Photography
Hello Guys, In the previous blog you saw 5 steps to be followed in photography process.Today I would be explaining the first step “PRE-VISUALISATION” in detail. As a photographer you should be a visual thinker and your imagination needs... read more
5 Important Steps in Photography Process
Let's learn the 5 process steps involved in Photography decision making. These steps will help you design creative... read more
Behind the Scenes (BTS) Video - Splash Photography
Sep 10, 2019This video is behind the scenes of photographing Mineral water bottle product. The video explains how it's... read more.
Product Photography BTS & Images - Video
Aug 23, 2019Hii, Watch this video to see some amazing product shoots done. Enjoy the images along with Behind The Scenes (BTS). Product photography is one... Read more
Celebrating World Photography Day
Aug 19, 2018Meeting all the family members together on a special day is always joyful, be it Christmas, Ramdan or Diwali...We Photographers too have such a special day.. yes, World Photography Day. This day...
Photography Training for Indian Army
May 04, 2018I believe, the beautiful part of our life is when you are able to do something for the people who protects you. This was the motive to which I took the assignment of training photography skill to Indian Army. I must say a challenging
Nurturing Creative Minds
Mar 30, 2018Lightdots presently offering 3 programs in the field of photography i.e Basic Photography, Post Processing and Creative Lighting. If you are passionate in learning then...
Lightdots 5th Anniversary & Master Class
January 17, 2018Yes, we have completed 5 year journey in the field of photography and of-course in imparting knowledge. The journey of LIGHTDOTS had started on 12/12/2012.
World Photography Day – Photo Tour
August 20, 2017World Photography Day – 19 th August. Lightdots celebrated this day in 2017 with a fabulous photo tour. An amazing group consisting of members who completed our basic photography courses
Lightdots Alumni Photo Exploration Tour
July 25, 2017Its always good being together.. especially if all are photographers. There is always a practice which followed in lightdots on a regular basis – Its called Photo Exploration Tour, There were many photo exploration tours in the past and we are starting to put this up in our blog from now onwards.
Splash Photography – Tips
February 22, 2015
Hi, Welcome to Lightdots Blog. Today lets discuss on splash photography.
Shooting splashes is something interesting in the field of high speed photography. Below are some of my tips for shooting splashes.