Post Production - ( B )

Course Contents
How post production works, Importance of post production. Different apps available to do post production. How much importance you should give for post production. Do professional photographers need post production knowledge. System requirements.
02. Introduction to Lightroom
What is Adobe lightroom. Why this application is used by professionals. The features available in lightroom for photographers. Modules in Lightroom
03. Creating Catalogue
The right steps to be followed for creating catalogue. How to make it for photographic purposes.
04. Importing Photographs
How to import photographs, What is key-wording, how to manage and organise images.
Necessity of presets. How to create one with your style. When you should and should not use presets.
06. RAW Processing Workflow
Complete works-flow of RAW image processing.
07. Image Corrections Tools in Detail
How to adjust perfect tone, colour, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks for every image. Contrast adjustment, saturation, vibrance, differences, Where to stop. How to avoid overdoing post production.
08. Color Correction
What is colour correction. How to do it ?
09. Color Grading
What is colour grading. Color grading with mid-tones and other toned areas ?
10. Chromatic Aberration Correction
How to adjust CA issues associated with an image.
11. Sharpeness Correction
What is sharpness, how to achieve sharpness in an image. Whats the limit. Merits and demerits of adjusting sharpness.
12. Fringe Correction
Best methods to get rid of fringing.
13. Watermarking
Setting the watermark. How much of opacity is required. Image and Text watermark.
14. Sync - Correction
How to do sync settings.
15. Batch Processing
What is batch processing? How to do it in the right way
16. Exporting the Images
Export setting for images to print media, online usage, high quality image assets. Setting the resolution, colour space and quality.
17. Questions and Discussions
Live interactive sessions to answer all your queries and questions.