Professional Basics - ( A )

Course Contents
1.A brief about Photography
What is Photography? Why is it difficult and why is it easy?
2. The Best Camera to Invest !
Which is the right camera, you can invest upon to begin the Photography journey. Do you need expensive camera to do good photography ?
3. Mirror, Mirrorless Camera and Its Working )
Different kinds of camera. Difference between Mobile camera and DSLR, Mirrorless technology. Whats the difference between mirrored camera and Mirrorless Camera. Which camera is better ? The technical aspects of camera. Maintenance tips for your camera.
4. Understanding Lens
Importance of Lens. Why quality lens? Beginners lenses.Which is the right lens, how to select the perfect lens, how optical elements make the quality images. Do you need expensive lens? Understanding Prime Lens / Zoom Lens. Clear understanding about when to use prime lens or zoom lens. How to work with any of these lenses in tough photo shoot challenges.
5. Focal Length, How to choose the RIGHT Focal Length
How to calculate focal length, does it make a difference when you work with multiple focal length to create same image. What is the compromise you make.FOV and AOV.Detail dive on field of view and angle of view. What you must keep in mind.
6. Magnification
Magnification and zoom is a dependency for many genre of photography. Magnification should be amajor consideration while selecting the camera and lens. We will cover everything about this topic here.
7. Camera Care, Maintenenace and Holding Posture?
Key factors you should keep in mind while doing photoshoots. How to hold your camera correctly. How to maintain the camera and lens with maintenance tips.How to prevent fungus in Lens.
8. Pixels
How many mega pixels you need ? How important is camera resolution / pixels.
9. Focusing
Different kinds of focusing, How to focus fast. When to use Manual and Auto focusing.
10.Camera Sensors and Formats
Understanding of Camera sensor technology. How does it matter in photography. Advantage and Disadvantages. Working principles.Camera Formats, 35mm, APS-C, MICRO Four Thirds.Camera and lens together create images, but the format can make predominant changes the way you see the frame. Every format has advantages and disadvantages. Here we discuss about different formats.
11. Fx/Dx , EF, EFS, RF Cameras ?
Need of a particular type of lens and camera. Understanding the mount and interchangeability can save money while doing right kind of investment and usage.
12. Exposure Theory / Triangle
Exposure is the most discussed topic in photography. Understanding Exposure along with most creative method will make your photography journey smoother. Techniques to achieve perfect exposure every-time.
13. Camera Modes
Your camera comes with many modes. Creative as well as auto. We will learn predominantly creative modes in detail. This module will help you on the journey to decide which mode to be used and in which situation perfectly.
14. Manual Mode Mastery - Comprehensive Class
A detailed study on Manual mode, An ultimate class to master your camera.
15. Shutter Speed - Creative Application
Shutter speed, shutter unit , creative application, right and wrong shutter speed. Judging the shutter speed before clicking. Challenges with practicals. Learn beyond.
16. Aperture - Creative Application
Often a confusing term, but you will never go wrong after listening to this module class. The world of photography always has an eye on aperture. Let's go deeper in understanding what is it ? when to change ? What are the right steps involved in changing aperture. Theory and practicals.
17. ISO
The most familiar term for a photography beginner. ISO can convert many a challenging photography situations into a manageable one. Learn how ? it can also spoil the photograph while doing some assignments. Everything about ISO here.
18. F Stop
What is F stop, How does it mathematically relate to photography so as to control light. How to use it practically.
19. DOF
Depth of Field, or DOF. The parameters setting. Decision making. Visual impact method using DOF creatively.
20. Auto Focusing and Manual Focusing
Focusing is an important step to achieve sharp images, we will learn the complete techniques to achieve sharp focus, Drive methods. Failure analysis. Moving subjects. Theory of focusing. Practicals. Focus points.
21. Image formats (RAW and JPEG)
File formats and EXIF understanding is a must for any photographer to manage the files. RA
W and JPEG is just the basic, we will discuss more than that.
22. IBIS and IS
Stabilisation techniques are handy tool so as to achieve sharp and blur free images. How does it work, when to use it ? when to keep it off.
23. Tv,S, A, Av, P, M Modes
Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, Program mode - (priority modes) and Ultimate control mode , Manual mode is well explained with practicals in this class.
24. Exposure Compensation
When to use compensation, why it is required. What is the practical application of the exposure compensation and methods. How to use it effectively.
25. Point of Interest
How to pin point the interest, communicate and drive it.
26. Framing and Composition Basics
A clear understanding of what is photography composition. Methods.How is story telling done in photography. Examples of good framing and composition. Guidelines to make your composition better.
27. Composition Design
Some of the best method to keep in mind while framing the subjects. This can bring immediate results in your photography career. The guideline and composition rules can make so interesting story telling photographs.
A detailed study on tripods, This module covers different kinds of tripods, heads and Tripod buying guide.
29. Lighting Principles
Understanding the basic principles of light. How it behaves.
30. High Contrast and Low Contrast Lighting
Modifying light with high and low contrast. How to use it for your photography advantages.
31.Quality Lighting Techniques
Quality parameters to lighting.
32. Direction Lighting
Directional lighting and its methods.
33. Color Theory Lighting
How to work with different colour lighting.
34. Metering System
A comprehensive study with practicals on metering system. Different kinds of metering. Finding the right metering according to the shooting situations.
35. Incident and Reflective Metering
What is incident metering? What is reflective metering. Why you need both. Which one to choose?
36. Color Space
Color space is an important aspect to consider if your photography is serious. Different colour spaces. How to choose the correct one. Factors to be considered.
37. Reciprocity
The magical method to unveil the exposure in multiple photography situation. Learn the tricks behind it.
38. Focus Drives
Get your focus right in every situation with AF drives. This can give you great images while action shooting.
39. Focus Point Selection / Eye Track
Accuracy selection with cross points. Vertical and horizontal points selection. Hybrid methods.
40. Panning
How to do effective panning, a practical way to achieve ultimate motion capture with sharpness.
41. Calibration Basics
What is calibration. Necessity of calibration.
42. Color Temperature
Deep dive class on colour temperature. How to find? How to choose?
43. White Balancing
What is white balancing, how to do it effectively. How does it affect the story. Customising the balancing.
44. Filters and Usage
Different types of filters. How it works and when to use it. Selection of right filters.
45. Perspective Distortion
What is perspective distortion? Why it arises?.
46. Perspective Correction
Correcting the perspective. Different Methods to make your picture look natural.
47. Histogram Analysis
What is histogram. How to analyse the histogram. Necessity of histogram
48. HDR
HDR or High Dynamic Range is a great tool to find details. This class is going to discuss the proven workflow steps to achieve perfect HDR image.
49. Chromatic Aberration
What is CA or Chromatic Aberration.How it spoils your image. How to avoid CA in your photographs.
50. Dimension Study
Dimensionality is of a great importance while doing photography with conventional camera. We are discussing the methods to adopt while doing the photography with majority of 3d subjects.
51. Art in Photography
Understanding the basics of ART in photography.
52. Copyright and Watermarking
Importance of copyright. What is watermarking? How they differ.
53. Specialising in Different Genres Photography (Wildlife, Nature, Event, Fashion etc.
Various Genres of photography. What are the requirements to pursue a genre.Journey to specialisation. Challenges in the field
54. Right Gears to Invest Upon
Essential gears to invest on, in your professional photography career. How to do minimum investment and gain maximum returns.
55. How to earn money from Photography
Ways and means of earning money from photography.
56.Photography Career Guidance
Full time and part time photography. How to start your career, Common mistakes you must avoid.
57. Field Trip
A field trip to put you into test and capture pictures with what you have learned. Immediat
e correction guidance and support to make you better. An occasion to learn, practice with mentor.
58. Alumni Membership
You become the official Alumnus of Lightdots. Be a part of unlimited learning. Peer support, Continuous association with photography enthusiasts.